The Spiderbeam GOPAK consists of
- Aerial-51 model 404-UL ultra light weight, asymmetrical dipole
- Spiderbeam 40ft fiberglass pole
- Clamp Set for 40ft fiberglass pole
- Guy Belt for 40ft fiberglass pole
- 50m (160ft) roll of 2mm Kevlar guy line
- 50m (160ft) roll of white string on plastic hasp for securing the dipole ends to the ground pegs.
- Set of 2 straps for 12m pole - for strapping the pole to anything like a fence post etc.
- Set of 6 lightweight 12" plastic pegs - for fixing pole guy lines and/or 404-UL antenna ends to the ground.
Everything you need to get this antenna on the air in a matter of minutes from almost anywhere.
Model 404-UL is an ultra lightweight, asymmetrical dipole for operation on 7 or 8 HF bands. It is constructed using very light, yet strong components. All hardware is stainless steel. The antenna radiator is made from CQ-534 insulated multi‐strand copper‐clad steel wire with 1mm outer diameter, which has very low wind load and weighs only 1 ounce (!). The antenna includes 40 ft of coax attached which despite the low weight (only 6.5oz) shows only very modest losses (< 1dB on 40m, < 2dB on 10m).
The ultra lightweight matching unit at the center point not only matches the coax to the antenna, it also provides excellent choking resistance to suppress common mode current.